Earlier this week Apartment Therapy had a link to this wonderful item.
Fort Greene Crib Quilt: white dupioni, $300.00
I would love a queen size with a map of San Francisco.
Earlier this week Apartment Therapy had a link to this wonderful item.
Fort Greene Crib Quilt: white dupioni, $300.00
I would love a queen size with a map of San Francisco.
Posted by Karen at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wonderful Stuff
On one of my email lists, QuiltArt, Kay Sorensen asked
is your favorite artist?
My vote goes to Hung Liu, China born but living in California. I love the way she uses runny paint and an almost collage-like use of image and color. Here is a tapestry which looks like her paintings.
Jacquard tapestry
78 x 79 in.
from Magnola Editions
Hung Liu's website
Posted by Karen at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Art
Since I am work on encaustic collages today, I thought this blog was pertinent. I really like her work, particulary the Tea House series.
Tea House #102 by Eileen Goldenberg
I'm very new at encaustic and need a lot more practice but am forging ahead. Today I had to heat and scrape an entire work off a wood panel. It just wasn't working. I'm trying to get ready for my show in June, mentioned below, so every setback just adds to the stress. Here is the mess and the 3 pieces I'm working on.
Posted by Karen at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Favorites Blogs
Today I went on a jaunt with friends, 3 of whom are in my Quilting Crit group, Tina, Kate and Cathy. Tina invited a friend to join us, although Tina and her friend thought we were going someplace else. This, of course, caused a brief stop at the side of the road between Bedford and Concord, MA until we figured that one out.
We went to Quilters Way in West Concord, MA
image from Quilters Way website
Of course, there wasn't any snow, actually it was 90 degrees. I bought a book on making pincushions.
Next we drove to Nancy's Airfield Cafe in Stow, MA. I had to soup of the day, creamy mexican flavored soup with corn and beans. I also had the Ploughman's Lunch - A hunk of bread, Vermont Cheddar, Wild Blueberry Chutney and a small garden salad. Yum Yum.
Then we drove down the road to The Quilted Crow where I found crushed walnut shells for the innards of pin cushions. I can't wait to start making them.
Then we went back to Bedford to have ice cream at the Bedford Creamery.
A very nice day.
Posted by Karen at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Friends
I have a collage show in June at Ayers Loft Gallery in Lowell, MA. It's called "Women of Letters" is is all about the alphabet. I showing with one other person - Mary Hart of Winchester, MA.
Here is one of my images from the Abecedarium in the show, "F"
And our postcard:
Posted by Karen at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Art
Dance of the Dead, Thomas Perry
I was just introduced to this author and his books about Jane Whitefield, a guide who helps people in trouble disappear. I just finished "Vanishing Act", which was great. I'm a big mystery fan and always happy to have another series to read.
Pack up the Moon by Anna McPartlin
This book takes place in Ireland with a lot of humor and some sadness.
Red, Passion and Patience in the Desert, by Terry Tempest Williams
This is an extraordinary book by an author recommended by the book I read about "The King's English" Bookstore. It is part history lesson, part poem and part elegy to the desert, particularly Utah. I hghly recommend.
I just finished Hungary Monkey by Matthew Amster Burton.
I finished this book in less than two days, it was so funny. It is about a home husband and Dad (restaurant reviewer), who attempts to teach his very young daughter how to love gourmet food, with limited success.
Posted by Karen at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Books
This is wonderful blog and today's post is my very favorite:
We have strict rules around here.
I would love to be in a hammock with a dog right now, but sadly, no hammock, no dog. I have rules for my cat but she does not pay much attention to them.
Posted by Karen at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Favorites Blogs
After work last night I rushed down HWY 495 from Lowell to the Indian Hill Music Center in time for an artist reception. The reception was for my friend Margot Stage, who is showing a lot of her recent work in the theater space at the Music Center.
I made it in time, thankfully, and the reception was great fun. Margot and I used to members of the Lowell Fiber Studio. The group shared a studio on the 5th floor of the main building at Western Avenue Studios in Lowell, MA. A year and a half ago, I moved into my studio on the second floor of the "A" Mill. Just recently, Margot moved into her own studio on the second floor of the main building. Margot is a fiber artist and you can see more of her work on her website One of my favorite pieces is on the home page of her website:
Posted by Karen at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Friends
Sundance is my very favorite online store. I have purchased more from that site than from any other I think: earrings, necklaces, bags, shoes, tumblers, and gift certificates. It all started when the site first went live and continues today.
Posted by Karen at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Favorite Stores
This blog is one of my favorite Australian blogs. Catherine has such great images and projects included in her blog. Since we have similar taste in home decor and images, I'm always interested in what she has to say or show. Recently she had a post about scissors in all sizes, some really huge, included in home decor.
Posted by Karen at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Favorites Blogs
Posted by Karen at 1:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: Favorite Stuff
This week I'm featuring a blog I just found recently called Textures Shapes and Colors owned by Leslie Avon Miller a collage artist from the Pacific Northwest. I love her soft neutral colors; they really speak to me.
This piece is called Big Rocks (perhaps),
Posted by Karen at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Favorites Blogs